martedì 15 ottobre 2024

Last august dump

 I may have neglected this blog again, but in my defense, my life has felt like a Final Destination movie for the past two months and I got sick. From stress. Moving on. Nothing to say about september so I'm just going to pick up where I left off with my last post. I apologize in advance for the lack of energy but I’m dying lately, sigh.

After our successful flea market trip I went on vacation with my friends for a couple of days. We really didn't do anything ''interesting'' but it was fun. We ate junk everyday, drank like full time alcoholics and did lots of stupid things. I had to bring back to life my beach house after not using it for 10 years and it was HELL because the guys I rented it to last year stole everything. TMI but bear with me because it's funny LOL.

Besides doing silly crafts and listening to SHINee on repeat there's nothing else. Honestly talking about it doesn't have the same effect but I can promise they were probably the funniest days of this whoole year so far. I need to do it againn soon or I'll pass out.

I hated going to the beach because I can't stand the sun and get nightmares about tanning and sunburns so I lingered in every public space with a huge towel on my head and carried spf EVERYWHERE. But that was part of the fun, I promise. These snacks were panda shaped and they were sooo cute T_T

normal afternoon activity after passung out several times during the day because it was too hot to live

Of course I had to make them watch Bleach LOL. My iPad was begging me to let it die after 10 years but I just put it in the fridge to let it cool down and then start using it again. I still have it, btw. And that's what I mainly use for digital art. I've been using for so long that getting a new device feels like a crime at this point. Moving on..

messy workshop

I can't remember what the hell we were doing here but it was probably late at night. I think we were watching some Dir en Grey videos or something. 

Those tarots beat my ass. I'm never asking them ANYTHING ever again. From now on it's mostly pics we took with Ari's digital camera. Sigh.

Sunsets were so pretty. It was the only time of the day where you could walk out of the house without being obliterated by UV rays.

This church was my favorite place we saw </3 pretty. Also the weird arcade behind the bar on the beach. 

Can't share TMI but this was pretty much it. I had lots of fun, and I got to rest. On our last night Ari read tarots to strangers at the bar and we went to the mini market to buy a couple of groceries that I never even use because I was too lazy to cook. We stayed up almost all night and the next morning was probably the weirdest of them all because we had to pack up our stuff but we literally mixed alcohol in our fruit juice and had a mango I forgot for one week under the window for breakfast. As soon as I got back home I passed out and went immediately to work, I don't even k6now how I did it but what I know is that I dissociated for the rest of august, even though we still went out almost everyday. Besides working and dying, I also learned to do my nails. 

Forgive the vertical pics but I took these with my phone, these are all the nails I did in august. Please let me know which ones are your favorites because I'm curious.

I stopped using GelX because they kept popping off everytime and I switched to builder gel and nail forms. The retention is insane and I get to change my nails every two weeks with no effort. ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )

That's pretty much it because as I said, I spent most of my time working, as usual. September too. I started having a bit of free time last week, basically. But I don’t know how much it will last because I need to study my ass off again very soon. And to be completely honest, I’m not doing anything interesting these days. I was sick for most of the time. e_e I’ll try to use this to my advantage and post as much as I can before I disappear again. 

What about you guys? What are you up to lately, and how was your summer?

. ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆

Last august dump

 I may have neglected this blog again, but in my defense, my life has felt like a Final Destination movie for the past two months and I got ...