I may have disappeared again, but this blog means a lot to me, so I’m committed to update as much as I can. Just a little disclaimer before I start: most pics will be vertical because I took them with me phone and I won’t proofread this so forgive me in advance LOL. Now, life has been HARD. September and october drained me completely. I stopped working at my old job mid-october and took the whole month of november to recharge and be sad, mostly. LOL just kidding, but I dedicated myself to getting better and spending some quality time with my family. Even though existing has been hard and the past month was definitely unkind to me, I cannot say that I’m unhappy with the way things are going now. I feel bad because I didn’t draw that much, but its fine. I had more important stuff to think about. Just wanted to upload a small update on all the months I didn’t write about.
First of all, I got a nose job LOL. Is it relevant? No but I still wanted to say it. It was my september’s highlight. Moving on… I went on a small road trip with my dad and took some pretty pictures.
If I ever disappear, come look for me here. I love this place so much it’s unhealthy, I want to live in the grass, sigh. Anyways… as I said, I spent most of the time with my family so I don’t have much to upload, I still got to hangout with my friends but I didn’t take any pics. Most october days were spent sitting at my desk.
When I wasn’t studying I was working out, and when I wasn’t working out I got sick. -.- I had pneumonia. Yeah. Not a very pleasant experience, it knocked me out pretty bad for a whole week, but this rice noodles soup saved my life. Soup is the most crucial part of life, seriously. It’s my own recipe, it was inspired by pho and I threw in some chicken too just in case and it was super yummy. It was the only thing I was able to eat with a cough like that. Not very fun but I got to learn how to make a new dish, yay.
Anyways, in the meanwhile I changed my nails like three hundred times and these two were my favorites. These are the ones I’m currently wearing.
And these were inspired by Sesshomaru’s claws in Inuyasha LOLthey’re too iconic, I MEAN. LOOK.
Mmh… besides nails, another interesthing thing is that I put a vanity in my room, and the best part is that it was FREE because I found it besides a trash can. It’s crazy I know, but I had to take it. Why would you throw this beauty away? And almost brand new, too. I didn’t even have to repaint it, I just cleaned it really well and took it home. My best investment yet.
And some of my favorite things that I put on it. That tiara is from my 18th birthday party, my sister gave it to me.
I’ve also received some super cool gifts from my parents that I wanna show you. ^_^ I’m sorry about the 16:9 pics but I didn’t really think about making a blog update… it wasn’t planned sniff sniff. My mom got me my favorite perfume EVER and I think I combusted on the spot when I opened the box. I cannot put into words the love I feel for this fragrance, I swear. The one on the right is it’s matching body lotion.

And this is what my dad got me as a Christmas gift. Saying that I’m happy would be and understatement. I LOOOVE it and I’ve also received a matching keyboard (that I’m using now, btw LOL) now I can FINALLY dedicate some time to learning digital art and give back the old laptop that I borrowed from my parents. Anyways. IT’S PINK. AAAAAAAAAAAAA. This is probably the coolest device I’ve ever owned for art, really. I didn’t feel like getting a new drawing tablet since my PC setup was terrible, this is just perfect, its like a digital sketchbook LOL. I don’t think I’ll buy Procreate since I already use Clip Studio Paint but I’ll see… it feels like a crime to let to of my old iPad Air (it was 11 years old!!) but this sooo amazing I don’t even know what to say.
I’m not really doing anything interesting in my free time these days besides watching movies and TV series. I recently rewatched the first three Matrix movies and I LOVE THEM. I’ve also watched Sweet November for the first time and it was so incredibly sad I almost regret finding it, but I think it goes into my favorites list. Another comfort movie I rewatched was 13 going on 30 and if you didn’t watch it you definitely should. I got into the Star Wars rabbit hole again andbinge watched the Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseries last night, it was surprisingly good and it was seeing Ewan McGregor take the role again. I love Star Wars a lot.
The weather is terrible and as always, I’m mostly working and studying, but I went out with my sister to have breakfast together and take a walk. It was super nice, it’s been a while since I last did it. And I saw these beauties. I didn’t get anything because I already own a YSL lipstick and for the money you pay for it, the packaging quality is not worth it. -.- But still, the lipstick itself is super good and if you wanna treat yourself to something nice you should definitely get it. Mine’s a liquid lipstick, I never tried the other ones but another thing that I really recommend is the mascara. 100/10 worth it. I’ll stop it now I promise. YSL is by far my favorite brand ever, I’ll have to come back to get myself a little treat. *cries*

Ok, best for last. LOOK AT THIS. I can FINALLY show you something good that I’ve been working on: keychains!! This is the first one, I ordered it as a sample and I’m in love with it, it’s my baby. Now thanks to the fact that I got a new iPad and can draw digitally I can properly finish Sabo and Luffy as well. I’m not sure on what to do with these or if there will be more of them, but it’s something I’ve always wanted to do and it feels unreal to see one of my silly drawings like this and see how many people have appreciated it so far… I feel super lucky to be surrounded by so many kind, talented and amazing people. *cries again* I put it on display in my acrylic keychains collection. I really like Ace’s color scheme for some reason.

I ran out of things to say, but at least I update my blog instead of letting it die again. I said I’d commit no matter what and I didn’t, even tho this is probably my worst post yet in terms of content… and pictures quality e_e whatever. I’m glad december has finally came. I hate Christmas itself, but it’s one of the best months of the whole year for me, and I get to reunite with my friends and family (and make gifts *evil laugh*) if december was a song, it would be Piano Man by Billy Joel in my opinion. As always, think you for making it this far and reading my posts, I appreciate it a lot. <3
What about you guys? What are you up to lately? Do you like Christmas? Let’s chat!
. ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆