mercoledì 27 marzo 2024

Last week of march 2024

Ahh, march is coming to an end. One of my favorite months ^_^ my exams are getting closer.. *sigh* I can't wait for them to be done already -__-'' I've been doing nothing but studying these days, how boring. But anyways. I dyed my hair black again. After two years and 230gone to get it bleached (LOL) I went back to black again. Not my fault, black box dye always looks so tempting.. and it makes your hair soo shiny T_T I loved my light hair but it had to go, plus I had to cut off all of the bleach damage, it wasn't worth it. I can't even recall all of the hair colors I had in these past months. I went from pastel pink, to a strange peachy color that I can't describe because it faded weird, then red, ginger and then to dangerously-bright-almost-blinding hot pink. Whew. Anyways. here's what my hair looks like now (+ first face reveal? LOL). I LOVE IT T^T hopefully I won't change my mind anytime soon because I refuse to go through the hassle of getting it bleached again.

beware: comically large glasses

Anyways. This has been my view for the whole month basically. My desk is a MESS. Thankfully I managed to get a new one and I can't wait for it to come. It will look much better, plus it's one of those drawing desks that you can regulate so that you don't have to sit like a little shrimp in order to draw. :P
Back pain after spending hours drawing/studying is real. And I'll actually be able to decorate it nicely and take better videos while I draw.. I really want to start uploading them. It's super fun and I found out that taking them actually helps me focus more LOL.

questionable desk setup

Besides studying I've mostly been reading One Piece and started a Bleach rewatch after many years. It was one of the animes that first introduced me to mangas and drawing in genereal. I was only 7 years old when I first discovered it, so I never actually watched it properly at the time and it's time to catch up. But back to what was supposed to be the orginal topic of this post: last week of march. A little recap of what I did lately:

Bought another one. Yeah. I love theseee, they're so cute!!! I'm obsessed. Like really. I want to buy EVERYTHING. I love those little accessories and sets T_T I don't even know what to do with them but I WANT!!! Ugh. If you have a Sylvanian Families collection, lock your doors. I'm about to beccome a  hoarder, it's a serious concern. In the background you can take a peek of the amazing birthday gift my friend Giuls made me. Look!!

Ahh!!! I'm still freaking out over this. Sanji's recipe book and all those Fairy Tail volumes as well... T_T my heart can't take it. Fairy Tail is one of my fav seies EVER. And I love cooking (and Sanji)., What else do I have to say? This is like one of the best things ever. My friends never miss when it comes to gifts sigh sigh. Further proof of this are these Keroppi nails stickers that my friend Ester bought for me. I put them on yesterday, how cool are they?!!

I really have the most amazing friends ever guys. I'll never be able to thank them enough. ^^ And I can't wait to see them again! Hopefully next month I won't be as busy... besides running errands and of course, studying, I didn't really do anything exciting, buy my goal for next month is to spend as much time as possible with my friends and have fun. And be outside more if the weather is nice. I love spending time outside when it's sunny, if I can. This is one of my favorite spots. 

And that's pretty much it. Can't wait to do many interesting things and hopefully start taking more pics to upload on here. What have you guys been up to lately? ^^ 

me talking 2 my friends

martedì 26 marzo 2024

sabato 23 marzo 2024

Random dump and brief life update

Hello hello amazing people. It appears that I am, in fact, alive. Am I wearing Lolita? No. Will I talk about Lolita? No. So why are you making this post? Fair question. It's time to revamp this blog and turn it into some sorta of journal/dump/archive or whatever. It's more fun this way, since I'm not wearing Lolita fashion. Not because I don't like it anymore, I guess I'm just focusing on other things at the moment. And I see no point in wearing it around my house while I study *sigh*. I need to pass all of my exams this year, serious stuff. Sort of. Anyways. I'm up to NOTHING besides studying (and scheming evil plans to take over Baby, The Stars Shine Bright to steal all the Kumakumyas) and drawing. Oh, and cooking. I feel like him, no questions asked. 

true face reveal

Maybe I should turn this into a cooking blog and post all of my recipes because I'm having too much fun for my own good LOL. Honestly, I just wanted an excuse to type dramatically on my laptop and post some cool pictures so here we go. 

Hang out at my best friend's house. Best. Day. Ever. We made super cool tin shrines and watched Kamikaze Girls together, it was so much fun!! Of course this was mine LOL.

I really think we should all pretend to be living in an Ai Yazawa story and have fun *sigh*. And bring back digicam pictures and blogs and flip phones. Instagram is no fun. I mean, most social medias aren't but you get what I mean. The past year has been eye-opening to me in every possible way and I'm so grateful for that. Getting older just allowed me to live the life I truly wanted! ^_^ Lolita fashion not being part of this life kind of stings, but I'll get back to it, eventually... I just wish there were fellow Lolitas in my area! It would be so so fun. I've always wanted to go to a tea party, or have a meet... I just want
 to wear matching outfits with someone, get boba and read silly mangas together T_T thankfully, I managed to find THE best friend group I could ever ask for, but my mission to make friends withing the Lolita community is not over yet. EHEHEHEHE. Anyways. Does anyone else feel nostalgic over old web forums, blogs etc..? I do. I browse them EVERYDAY. I was able to live that era myself, but still. I miss it. It was so much fun and this blog allows me to live it again in a way ^_^ I just feel like I want to post more on here. Casual stuff life this, nohing serious LOL it's fun! Little by little I'll post some more cool pictures... and some of my drawings as well :3

 I'll see you in my next post with some dumb stuff! 

me lately


Hi, I’m back. I turned 19 two weeks ago and started tattooing again. I’m serious about it this time though. But back onto the topic.. Do you...