martedì 15 ottobre 2024

Last august dump

 I may have neglected this blog again, but in my defense, my life has felt like a Final Destination movie for the past two months and I got sick. From stress. Moving on. Nothing to say about september so I'm just going to pick up where I left off with my last post. I apologize in advance for the lack of energy but I’m dying lately, sigh.

After our successful flea market trip I went on vacation with my friends for a couple of days. We really didn't do anything ''interesting'' but it was fun. We ate junk everyday, drank like full time alcoholics and did lots of stupid things. I had to bring back to life my beach house after not using it for 10 years and it was HELL because the guys I rented it to last year stole everything. TMI but bear with me because it's funny LOL.

Besides doing silly crafts and listening to SHINee on repeat there's nothing else. Honestly talking about it doesn't have the same effect but I can promise they were probably the funniest days of this whoole year so far. I need to do it againn soon or I'll pass out.

I hated going to the beach because I can't stand the sun and get nightmares about tanning and sunburns so I lingered in every public space with a huge towel on my head and carried spf EVERYWHERE. But that was part of the fun, I promise. These snacks were panda shaped and they were sooo cute T_T

normal afternoon activity after passung out several times during the day because it was too hot to live

Of course I had to make them watch Bleach LOL. My iPad was begging me to let it die after 10 years but I just put it in the fridge to let it cool down and then start using it again. I still have it, btw. And that's what I mainly use for digital art. I've been using for so long that getting a new device feels like a crime at this point. Moving on..

messy workshop

I can't remember what the hell we were doing here but it was probably late at night. I think we were watching some Dir en Grey videos or something. 

Those tarots beat my ass. I'm never asking them ANYTHING ever again. From now on it's mostly pics we took with Ari's digital camera. Sigh.

Sunsets were so pretty. It was the only time of the day where you could walk out of the house without being obliterated by UV rays.

This church was my favorite place we saw </3 pretty. Also the weird arcade behind the bar on the beach. 

Can't share TMI but this was pretty much it. I had lots of fun, and I got to rest. On our last night Ari read tarots to strangers at the bar and we went to the mini market to buy a couple of groceries that I never even use because I was too lazy to cook. We stayed up almost all night and the next morning was probably the weirdest of them all because we had to pack up our stuff but we literally mixed alcohol in our fruit juice and had a mango I forgot for one week under the window for breakfast. As soon as I got back home I passed out and went immediately to work, I don't even k6now how I did it but what I know is that I dissociated for the rest of august, even though we still went out almost everyday. Besides working and dying, I also learned to do my nails. 

Forgive the vertical pics but I took these with my phone, these are all the nails I did in august. Please let me know which ones are your favorites because I'm curious.

I stopped using GelX because they kept popping off everytime and I switched to builder gel and nail forms. The retention is insane and I get to change my nails every two weeks with no effort. ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )

That's pretty much it because as I said, I spent most of my time working, as usual. September too. I started having a bit of free time last week, basically. But I don’t know how much it will last because I need to study my ass off again very soon. And to be completely honest, I’m not doing anything interesting these days. I was sick for most of the time. e_e I’ll try to use this to my advantage and post as much as I can before I disappear again. 

What about you guys? What are you up to lately, and how was your summer?

. ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆

domenica 11 agosto 2024

Flea market trip

Hii! I’m finally able to post again. I’ve been pretty busy recently but in a good way, since I’ve been spending lots of time with my friends ^_^ my next post will be all about it and this is just the start, but ofc I’m organizing all the content and pictures because there are LOTS of them. 

Last week we went to the flea market. It wasn’t the first time for me, but when I went by myself last year I found nothing T_T but this time I met up with my friends super early to not miss the good stuff. As soon as we arrived we took a look around but most stands weren’t that interesting, but thankfully we stopped at just the right one.. ehehe. 


This is what I found as soon as we got there. Finding frilly stuff at the flea market for 3€ each is a huge win. I managed to style these into “lolitable” outfits but I want to sew a matching top, socks and headdress for the black skirt. I already have a simple top to pair it with but as I said, it’s super plain. I’d prefer something more frilly honestly.. I’ll see what I can do. I own two blouses as well but it’s too hot to wear them. As for the socks and headdress, I think black OTKs and a rectangle headdress will do just fine. And of course my Vivienne Westwood lighter necklace because I’ll never miss the opportunity to wear it. Off topic, but it was a gift from my mom when I was 15 and it’s one of the most precious items that I own. Moving on..

This was the situation. It was hot and super crowded but I have to admit that I didn’t mind as much as I thought I would. I wanted to get as much clothes as I could find. Unfortunately I don’t have any pics of the other two things that I bought, but I got a white dress with the cutest strawberry pattern on it and a pastel pink bag. It’s not huge but it’s quite spacious, as long as I can fit my iPad in it, it’s useful LOL.

And it’s pastel. So I had to get it.

Unfortunately I didn’t like the dress when I put it on at home but it was only 1€ so I’m keeping it in case I change my mind. Or using it as scrap fabric.

Then we found this skirt, it was probably from Shein or some other fast fashion site but it had potential for 1€. I didn’t like the color though.

My friend Ari wanted to buy some lace so we found this stand. I didn’t get anything here, maybe next time. :3 There were lots of useful tools for sewing.

This stand had some various beauty products scattered around but ofc I didn’t get anything @_@ I always try to be careful with makeup even though tempted because some stuff was super cute... there was a cat-shaped highlighter but I couldn’t give in. Also some cool fake lashes but again, I didn’t get them because they looked too natural. LOL. I prefer spiky ones.

My friends Giuls and Ked also got some clothes but I didn’t get the chance to take pics, sigh. Ked got a claw clip from this stand that was next to the makeup one. It had lots of hair clips and hair accessories but they all looked a bit off? I don’t know how to explain it. But I bought some other stuff other than clothes, like this super cool body wash that smells AMAZING. I don’t know why it’s so expensive on some website but it was 3€ so of course I had to get it. It smells like banana flavored candies! I regret not getting another one, sigh. Next time.

At this stand I also found this super cute eyeshadow palette!! I was soo tempted... but I had to restrain myself. As I said, I like to be careful with makeup. Especially if it goes near my eyes, sigh. </3 but I should’ve bought it for the packaging alone honestly. 

Then on a stand that sold lots of random trinkets I found a small plastic bag full of Hello Kitty rings!! This was 1€ as well. I love them sooo much. 

Then we found this... thing. Amazing.

And this was pretty much everything I’ve got there. It was fun and I can’t wait to go again next month!! Ehehehe..

After leaving we all got “granitas” together. I usually get the strawberry flavor, but I swapped it for the lemon flavored one because it’s more refreshing. The sun was killing me. T_T

Me and Ari went around town for a bit before having lunch together. She needed to buy a pair of flip flops and we found the CUTEST pair form Tezenis. They had a strawberry pattern on them. Thank God for whoever’s making strawberry patterns go in style this year because I’m finding lots of cute stuff. We didn’t take a picture because we forgot. 

We left Tezenis our usual trip to the shop down the street near my house. It sells all kinds of goods and I’ve been going there everyday for the past 6 years. I didn’t buy anything that day but I went this morning and bought some baby blue nail polish. LOL. The essentials, basically. 

We also found these amazing trinkets passing by a shop window. I need these. 

Another cool shop window that we saw.

We had pizza for lunch and then we walked around town some more while waiting for the bus. We found a small corner shop that sold ethnic foods but we didn’t get anything interesting because we couldn’t be late for the bus but we’ll definitely go again. I got her this drink though.

I love these drinks. I didn’t try this flavor yet but the mango one is AMAZING. 

Small outfit check picture before going home ^_^ I love this Creamy shirt that I bought btw. I’ve been wearing it so much LOL. I’m a certified outfit repeater. 

And this was pretty much it for this post. Expect new content very soon because I still have lots of stuff to talk about.. and pictures to upload. Lots, lots of pictures. As always, thank you for sticking with me until the end of this post and for following my blog. What about you? What are you guys up to lately? Let’s chat~

. ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆

domenica 28 luglio 2024

Mid July

I'm ALIIIIVEEEE!! Finally. A proper post and update. I also have some pics to post, yay. ^_^ I'll try to put everything in order.

So, first things firts. Two of the ''interesting things'' I was up to lately: one of my drawings appeared on an italian manga. LOL. DREAMING by Milky Rosy. It's a little sketch I made of the protagonist, Stella Cometa. It may seems silly but it made m so happy when I saw it. I loved the story, it's so cute <3.

Moving onto the other thing, a commission I made was used as a design for a local football squad during an event. T_T I'm so grateful for all the love my art is receiving lately... I'm really doing my best to improve every day. I won't post a picture of the squad wearing it for privacy reasons but this is the shirt.

I also made another shirt design for a commission but I don't have any pictures of it, sigh sigh. I'm still working on some other stuff but I'd rather not spoil it for now.. eheheh. Anyways, despite working on my personal projects + waitressing job that I hate, I still managed to have some fun with my friends and take some pictures, yay! Going in order, last week I went to a friend's house and they made pancakes T_T my favorite snack. They also brought me some little gifts and I loved them soo much!! We used those cups LOL they're not part of the gift eheh.  But look at those cute stickers!! 

Then we went out to have drinks and I found these super cute rings. I couldn't decide which one to get though, sigh sigh. But! I found these super cute heart shaped sunglasses and fell in love with them, of course I had to buy them.

silly selfie :P

I have to admit I've been pretty busy lately. I went out with my friends almost everyday last week, even though I didn't take as many pictures as I would've liked. But it doesn't matter, I'm always grateful to spend time with them. <3
I also bought a pen for my iPad but I'm still trying to get used to it. I currently use a 1st gen iPad Air and I should REALLY get a new one, even though I gotta admit it works pretty well, and I use it daily. Plus, I've had it for a long time so I'm a bit attached to it, I don't think I'll be able to let it go easily unless it dies on me LOL.

Then my friend Ari came back on holiday and she brought me some gifts, too. 

girl dinner

Golden Curry and rice wine. I LOOOVE them so much. Curry is my favorite dish to make, even during hot summer days. But that's not everything, she also bought me Last Quarter by Ai Yazawa and I'm SO in love T_T It's what I'm currently reading. Ai Yazawa remains one of my favorite authors...

Saturday morning our trio finally reunited after a year and we went out for brunch. It was so wholesome.

Taking a break from work was so needed, sigh.. I really want to make the most of this summer, really.
Here are some pics we took with Ari's digital camera

me and Ari on break after walking 289979 miles under the boiling hot sun

We went to a small indian restaurant for lunch and I tried samosas for the first time ^_^ I split one with Ari but unfortunately it was cold so it wasn't that yummy, but I'll definitely give it another chance. Next time I want to get the chicken biryiani as well.
I used to hate living here when I was younger but now that I'm not an edgy teen anymore (and don't get bullied everyday by the same people on repeat LOL) I have to admit it's not bad. It's a small town, but it can be fun with the right people, even if there isn't much to do I don't mind. As long as I can go on my little walks and get a little treat I'll be fine.

Unfortunately, I didn't draw much these days but still sketching daily on my sketchbook despite everything. I promised to stay consistent and I will, even if I'm not posting that much it doesn't matter, being able to start this year was already a huge step for me so I refuse to put too much pressure on myself.

Also, finally, the book I talked about in my last (proper) post. The Lolita fashion guide made by Lilium EGL (their socials) that can also be found for free in PDF! I LOOOVED this. I read it almost daily because I'm just so happy about it. I've dreamed about something like this during my Lolita fashion years and being able to hold a guide like this, in my own language, is still crazy to me. It's a wonderful project and I really, REALLY, reccomend supporting everyone who worked on it! 

Besides this, lately I've read Mua He Bat Tan by Hoang Truc Lam (''Estate Infinita'' in Italy) and it was such a touching and amazing story. I've never read any vietnamese authors before and I was pleasantly surprised. It's one of my favorite one-shots for sure.

I think that's all for today's post. I apologize if it wasn't as interesthing as promised but as I said, besides this last week, I spent June and July working, most of the time. And if I wasn't working my usual everyday job, I was probably busy keeping up with my own projects so yeah. Just wanted to post and be consistent. I don't want to leave this little blog unattended for too long but I'm glad I had something to write this time. My next post will probably be pictures, mostly, but hopefully I'll have something cool to write as well and much more.  I've been experimenting with recording lately and I really like it. I always loved the idea of vlogging but actually never started, I think this will be the year. I'm thinking of opening a YouTube channel as well, just for fun with no partcular schedule. 

little treat 

In my free time after work I've been rewatching Mermaid Melody, my comfort anime <3 I've always loved it, ever since I was a kid. <3. As always, thank you for reading until the end and sticking with me. What are you guys up to lately? Reading, watching anything? Enjoying summer? Let's chat ⊹₊。ꕤ˚₊⊹

. ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆

Last august dump

 I may have neglected this blog again, but in my defense, my life has felt like a Final Destination movie for the past two months and I got ...