venerdì 28 febbraio 2025


Hi, I’m back. I turned 19 two weeks ago and started tattooing again. I’m serious about it this time though. But back onto the topic..

Do you ever stop and think about what you wanted as a child? What you dreamed of? I do, everyday. Because I have all of it, and I seem to ignore it way too often. I think it’s not a mystery, nor a groundbreaking fact, that I’ve been losing my mind over drawing since forever. ‘’I turn 19 this year, I gotta be serious about it’’ night and day for the past month. We’re no strangers to the concept of social media warping our perspectives, but when it comes to art it’s completely different from anything else. I remember the days when your Instagram feed or followers or TikToks didn’t count as a ‘’portfolio’’ and drawing was everything that you needed, when media consumption wasn’t so easily available, when things actually had an impact on us. The constant scrolling fucked me up more than I’d like to admit. Nothing I did could even come remotely close to the changes and progress I promised myself by looking at all those talented artists that, by the way, have probably started their careers when I was still picking my nose in 3rd grade. 

I didn’t seriously pick up a pencil until I was 16. And I got so obsessed with it I think I made everyone around me suffer the consequences. Pretty obvious too I’d say, since it’s all I talk about. But you tend to forget these things when you’re so far up in your head all day, everyday. I scrapped all of my hard work and HUGE accomplishments trying to make myself better for an invisible audience that didn’t even matter in the reaching of my goal. Are we surprised? No. And so I ‘’lost my spark’’, at least in my head. The truth is that I don’t even actually care. I just want to draw and I get easily caught up in silly things because I can’t convince myself hard enough that they’re actually stupid. And even this month, I accomplished great things that I forgot about because I was busy beating myself up for the ones I didn’t complete. That honestly, all I needed was to pick up my sketchbook and start scribbling something I liked, not an hypothetical viewer. And I posted it, too. I remember how proud of myself last year just for being able to press the ‘’upload’’ button on Instagram… it’s too easy to lose your way when you’re constantly bombed by other people’s work, content, drawings, witty ideas…it’s exhausting. Everyone tells us to self-brand but does anyone actually want to?

Concluding my humble take on this topic, let’s go back to what I was saying. Great, I turned 19 and started tattooing again, and this is exactly where I wanted this post to go: I tattooed someone that wasn’t me. Like, I actually did it. There’s a human being on this planet who’s walking around with one of my drawings on his skin forever. I was so busy being worried that I forgot to be present in a moment like this and I regret it, because saying that this is another dream come true would be an understatement. This is exactly what I meant what I said that I have every little thing I’ve ever dreamed of as a child, even the most silly thing I could’ve thought of. And losing sight of something like this just doesn’t feel right. I mean, even the fact that I gave myself a tattoo on the couch is crazy to me, and you don’t have to know me that well to know how much this means to me. Now I’m stuck to have of the drawings that I would’ve never posted with a gun to my head imprinted on my ankle for the rest of my life and I’ so grateful I do. 

This whole narrative of needing an audience for your great accomplishments to be truly great is bullshit. I did a hundred other things this month that I’m proud of and even if I didn’t show them to everyone I still celebrated them. I didn’t ‘’lose my spark’’ I was looking for it in places in the wrong places. People that I look up to admire my work and every time I take moment to stop and think about it I feel overwhelmed with a type of joy that cannot be put into words. The ones that matter the most to me like what I do and I think that, at the end of the day, that’s what truly matters. Even if you’re the only one liking your work, it matters. Creating matters even when no one sees is and it’s humbling to realize it at so late like I’m doing now, but if I learned anything this month, this is it. I don’t want my posts to feel like some sort of ‘’advice’’ or ‘’wellness posting’’ because they’re merely my own reflections on these topics that mean so much to me. Now that March is coming along it finally feels like the air is starting to clear… and I feel so much better. I plan to make a proper ‘’February dump’’ post with pictures and everything very soon because I have a lot of cute stuff to show you and also some new fragrances to talk about. I’m busy on some other projects at the moment besides studying as usual and I’ll start working again very soon… sigh. I know that you’re probably thinking ‘’why does she always has something going on?’’ And to fair, you’re not wrong, but since I’ve also started covering this kind of topic into my blog apart from pictures or life updates, I like it more and get to write a lot. I actually get to talk about things seriously.

Anyways.. the tattoo I gave myself. It’s a bit wonky but I LOOOVE it. It’s not that bad for a first try. It means so much to me sniff sniff..  hopefully I’ll post more designs soon… eheh. This Cloud I made on fake skin is one of my favorites. 

I have a lot of things in mind and besides the February dump I’m planning, I was also thinking about making a post dedicated to my trinkets collection. I’d like to keep it into my digital archive regardless, but let me know if you’re interested in seeing it ^3^. 

As always, thank you for reading me and for keeping up with my shenanigans. It’s always heartwarming to see. I’m sorry if this post is shorter than expected, but I’d rather write something small than not post anything at all this month. If anyone wanted to share their thoughts regarding creativity and how they approach these thoughts, I’d be very happy to read them. 

. ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆

venerdì 10 gennaio 2025

Creativity breaks, chronic illnesses and guilt

Oh look, another post. Hi. Having encountered a positive feedback on my previous one, I decided to keep writing about this kind of topics. I understand its not my usual content and that this blog has already shifted from it’s original purpose twice, and for this reason I apologize for how heavy this reading may be and hope that whoever’s still interested will keep sticking around. 

I just found out that the ‘’chronic illness’’ I’ve lived with for 4 years wasn’t actually chronic and I finally received a real diagnosis. Just for context, at the age of 15 I started having frequent respiratory issues and severe asthma attacks out of nowhere. Could’ve been a coincidence or a billion other things, and I thought it would go away on its own.

After catching a bad case of pneumonia, it only got worse and it wouldn’t be the only time it would happen. My doctor told me I still had to fully recover from pneumonia and that’s what was causing these “episodes”, so I believed in it. After the 6 months & more that were ‘’required’’ for me to gain my health back like my doctor had said, nothing had changed, and again, it got worse. Everyday I woke up unable to breathe, every time I heard myself wheezing my whole body would shut down in fear. It wasn’t ‘’just’’ asthma and I knew it. ‘’There’s nothing wrong with you, just take your medication and you’ll be fine’’ ‘’Oh, you’re just conditioning youself’’ is all I heard during those months. Panic attacks blended in and I started living in fear. What if I go out and then I start feeling sick? I came to the point where I couldn’t live my daily life without heavy steroids to be able to breathe. And they destroyed my body in the process. I felt like I had been stripped of everything, because the hardships I faced during that time simply weren’t enough. I used to go out everyday and out of the blue everything changed, I found myself unable to walk without running out of breath most days, I had to stop working out because I got tired too easily. I blamed it on so many things, trying to find an explanation, trying to understand WHY this was happening to me. I knew something was wrong and what my doctor was telling me was wrong, that he wasn’t really understanding the severity of the symptoms. Should I just give it up and accept this? Should I just surrender? The anger I felt everyday was killing me. I gaslit myself into thinking it was all in my head, I made up explanations for it because I desperately wanted one and I couldn’t have it. 

Why was this happening to me at such a young age? Why does it have to be so unfair? It was all I thought about daily for 4 years, it consumed me to a point where I started going insane. I thought it was my fault, so I stopped taking my medication to prove that it was all in my head. I counted down the day without them, and I only lasted a week before it happened again. I tried staying calm, I tried meditating and it didn’t help. I couldn’t breathe and there was nothing I could do on my own, it was real. My chest felt heavy to the point where I thought I’d suffocate multiple times, like my lungs were being crushed. Of course it couldnt simply be a “bad asthma attack”. Anger blinded me and I still didn’t understand. 2024 started and so my social media art journey did, too, even though getting out of bed was a challenge most days I still wanted to do it. Not everyone knew about this, at least, not like this. I fought to keep it to myself as much as I could because I didn’t even know how to explain it. What would I even say about it? 

The past year, I pushed myself in every single way I could with art. Starting to post my drawings on social medias helped me defeat one of my biggest insecurities and I did it, scared, but I still did it. Now that the main goals had been accomplished, I had to focus on the next one. Improving, improving, improving. And my poor health dragged me across the floor by the hair everyday. Everyday it was new challenge. I had never been as hyper aware of my body as I was in 2024, it really was my last straw. I compulsively checked my own breathing every single time of the day and when I was out of the house it was ten times worse. As someone who has always been deeply passionate about what I do, having to compromise my creative productivity for the sake of resting (and/or working) fucked with my head even more.

Because during all of these 4 years, I went to school, studied and worked a full time job everyday. Balancing everything was hard, and of course I had to sacrifice something to keep it up (=my personal & social life). It’s not something I’m saying just for the sake of it or to get some compassion, it’s a matter of fact. Still, last year, I still accomplished things I wouldn’t have dared to dream of. Turning 18, the desire to make drawing a profession loomed over me day and night. And this is exactly what leads us to my next topic: creativity breaks.

In September 2024, after lots of life-changing life events and responsibilities that I had to take upon myself, my health and my job, the need for a break started calling me. I pushed through until October, and then I stopped posting on my socials. It weighed heavily on me, I cannot begin to explain how many times I felt like I had to apologize for it or to explain myself. Social medias algorithms aren’t kind, and if you’re an artist in this age, you feel obligated to stay relevant. If you wanna be a professional, you need to get out there, you need to post. How else are you supposed to make it, then, I asked myself? October and November were my worst months health-wise, and even thinking about it makes me want to throw up, but yet, I still felt the need to apologize. To an invisible audience and to myself, for betraying my nature, for wanting a life outside of art, drawing, mangas. Because if I wasn’t giving my life away I wasn’t learning and if I wasn’t learning I wasn’t on the road to ‘’make it’’, and if I didn’t make it I was a traitor. After an unexpected turn of life events in December though, something had changed. When I finally got the answer I was praying for, I cried tears of joy. When I actually understood what was causing my health issues, that I wasn’t ‘’stuck’’ with something that I’d never get rid of, it felt like I had just come back from a war.  Now that I officially have an answer and stopped taking my medications, I feel like I’m living for the first time again. I finally feel like I can actually lean back and relax in 4 years, and I don’t know what to do with myself, because even now, at times, I feel like I don’t deserve any of this. 

I can finally take my life back and instead of feeling overwhelmed by motivation, I find myself in a fragile state where I gotta process everything that has happened, where I actually have to face sides of myself I thought I’d never would, and actually finding the root of my vicious cycles and destroying it has been hard. If I was torturing myself for my health then, I gotta torture myself for resting now. If I’m not resting and being productive, then I gotta torture myself to be more productive and so on. It has been incredibly eye-opening to notice this kind of pattern and finding a way out, even though relapses happen more often than I’d care to admit. Art, illness and guilt are three unrelated things that have been deeply intertwined during the most formative years of my life and finally being able to speak about it is liberating. 

What I’ve learned is that, in the end, its mostly about perspective and the way we perceive things. If I didn’t perceive art as something extremely important to me I wouldn’t overthink it so much and wouldn’t give it this much power over my life and guilt wouldn’t eat me alive, if I had perceived my illness differently it wouldn’t have consumed most of my teenage years the way it did even when it wasn’t there. I’m not sure if there’s a real message to this story, because to be completely honest, I didn’t really start writing this post with the though of teaching a lesson in mind, but if there’s someone that could benefit from reading this then it’s better than writing to myself on a simple journal. 

Managing creativity is hard. Being a creative person in general is hard, and I know how quickly passion turns to obsession. How the idea of creating can eat you alive when you don’t know how to control yourself, especially if you’re as goal oriented as I am. I know how easy it is to want more from yourself and what it feels like to stray away from the only goal you’ve pushed yourself to chase ever since you were a kid, what it’s like to make it 90% of your personality to the point where even the simple thought of changing paths and trying something different makes you physically sick. I know how it feels to not be able to move on and forgive yourself for growing, but I’m learning to embrace it bit by bit. Even letting go of my illness felt like this, in a way, no matter how badly I prayed to get better every day. Because if I don’t have that anymore, then how will I allow myself to be sad or stressed, even when sad or stressful things happen? How can I forgive myself for being unproductive, if I don’t have a reason to be anymore?

I would lie if I said I didn’t think this way at least once, but ultimately, the biggest lesson I learned is that I’m human like everyone else and that goals can’t transcend this simple fact. It’s not possible nor realistic to think or feel the same way about something your whole life, it’s ok to grow, to change your mind. And changing your mind doesn’t make you less of a reliable person, that there isn’t an imaginary audience who’s gonna ‘’boo’’ you if you dedicate yourself to other things. That you can not draw for months and still be an artist, and that not accomplishing the realistic goals you set for yourself at 15 doesn’t make you a failure. I’ve come to understand that I want more than what I’ve always thought was my calling, that there are things that mean too much for me to simply give up in favor of one of them and that they all matter the same, and not being consumed by my health 24/7 helped me think things through clearly. I don’t really want to come across as a victim since my case resolved with the best-case scenario, but I think that even if I had to ultimately accept it a live my life with what I had, I’d still work hard to make it beautiful for myself. I brought it up because this and my art have been on the same paths for too long. It pains me to think that I was so blinded by my goals that I still couldn’t make myself understand that it wasn’t that serious in the comparison to all the other struggles I was facing. 

Even though everything seems unbelievably hard at times, I still do my best to keep myself positive and push forward, because if I didn’t do it when I was at my lowest I wouldn’t be here now.

I’ve always been reluctant to dedicate too much time to my other hobbies and develop new creative projects, thinking of picking a major that didn’t specifically involve drawing scared me, but it’s not like that anymore and this is why I’m writing so much. I don’t think I’ve ever exposed myself this much, and it’s not even half as bad as I thought it would be. I love writing, if I didn’t write I’d feel lost. I started drawing first, but writing is a basic need like food and water to me, sharing something that could potentially help someone else in a way that isn’t downright insufferable means a lot to me. I’m slowly coming back from my drawing break and, even though my priorities have shifted, its still very dear to me. I wouldn’t be able to give it up with a gun to my head, but it’s freeing to say that I didn’t set any specific artistic goals for this year. No more drawing style rules, no more tight productivity schedules. In the end, maybe doing it for fun will bring me more professional opportunities than driving myself to madness ever did. What I’d like to do, though, is also share my other projects. And not just as silly little things that I do during my free time, but giving them actual attention. 

What I’d like to tell to everyone who took the time to read this and has come this far is, give yourself some grace. Be patient, be kind, take yourself less seriously. Really, that’s all it is. Don’t take yourself so seriously, life can always start over, doing other things is good for you, straying away from your ‘’purpose’’ won’t make you a failure, it won’t kill you and your life won’t automatically end the moment a goal isn’t accomplished. And also, remember how young you are, and if you don’t feel like it, read a memoir. Seriously. It may seem unrelated but trust my word on this minuscule piece of advice, and also, you’re allowed to grow and get wiser. Don’t wait for horrible things to happen to make you understand what truly means to you instead of getting caught in these thoughts like I did. What truly matters is your wellbeing, your loved ones, your health… whatever it is for you.  Not productivity, not social medias grids, not portfolios, not posting consistently. Allow yourself these weaknesses but don’t carry them on for too long. As someone who may sound lie a professional complainer and full-time burnt out drawing-obsessed loser, I’m finally re-learning to give myself some space and not suffocate myself in apologies to non-existing people for not constantly performing my ‘’artistry’’. Don’t create burdens for yourself in your head. And its fine to take breaks, even long ones, yes. They’re needed. Use that time to have fun, not worrying about how to start creating again as soon as possible, unless you wanna be me. Just kidding. Kinda. But I’m getting better.

As always, thank you for reading this, it means a lot to me. I’ll soon upload other links on where you can find more of my content and keep this blog only for personal topics/life updates etc… and hopefully for more creative projects from now on. If anyone has their thoughts or stories to share I’d be happy to read them. 

. ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆

martedì 7 gennaio 2025

Hello 2025

Happy new (late) new year to everyone, guys! I hope 2025 brings lots of blessings for and I can’t wait to share yet another year with all of you beautiful people here <3 The end of every year, if it was a song, would be Piano Man by Billy Joel, while the 1st of January would definitely be Vienna. LOL. Makes sense to me. I apologize in advance, because this post may not be as ‘’lighthearted’’ as my usual content, but I felt like sharing these thoughts as well. I didn’t proofread this in the slightest so forgive me LOL.

The start of a new year.. if you, too, are like me, you probably feel the weight of everything that you could’ve accomplished during the past 12 months that have gone by, instead of focusing on the things you’ve actually did. That was very true for me last year, but thankfully I got rid of this bad habit, at least partly. Still, it can be hard to deal with the passage of time, and I know the pressure of the new year very well: set good intentions, new goals, decide what you want to do, plan it out etc etc. I know it because this feeling has loomed over me since I turned 14 and started taking myself way too seriously. And frankly, I think I still do. I’m turning 19 next month, and for someone who felt old in 5th grade, I have mixed feelings about it, even though my mind is FINALLY starting to clear up. It’s a fragile transition, a delicate moment of growth that has yet to be explored. Living alone, working, graduating, dealing with your friends moving out, having fun. 

I, sometimes, become so conceited and hyper focused on the things I want to do that I forget how young I am. It’s another bad habit of mine, I know, and it’s exactly the only thing I plan to get rid of this year. If there’s something I want from 2025, is the ability to not take myself THAT seriously and allow myself to genuinely have fun. That’s it. 2024 has give me everything I could’ve asked for and looking back its honestly crazy. There are lots of things I didn’t talk about on here, of course, but sometimes it just hits me right on the head, seeing how lucky I am. How many things I accomplished and I still am. It’s easy to get caught up into other people lives nowadays, when they’re within reach at the tip of our fingers. People getting married, millionaires, parties.. all of that. Scrolling is another thing I’m gladly leaving behind in 2024, its too easy to get caught up in a cycle of always wanting more and never being satisfied, like this. Comparing ourselves to others kills our inner peace and feeds into nothing but greed. 

Ever since I turned 15, drawing has been the only thing I focused on and worked for, to the point of burning myself out. I so fiercely believed it was my calling that I blindly followed this conviction for years. Becoming a mangaka was all I ever wanted from life and I swore to myself, ‘’if I change my mind, that’s not me’’ and I cannot even begin to explain how shaken you feel when you start realizing that maybe you were wrong about something you promised yourself you’d never ever betray after so much hard work. I’m not stopping my art journey, nor anything like that. I didn’t lose my interest in drawing and I still practice daily, but when you thought this way for so long, it’s hard to accept new interests harboring in your mind, things you never thought about before, new hobbies, new goals… it may be silly to most, but I’ve hardly explored any possibilities for myself outside of drawing and mangas and now that I’m doing it, it feels like betraying a little part of myself, even though it’s not actually true. It’s messy, and it’s hard, honestly, navigating this kind of things, but I’m doing it and I’m glad I have the courage to keep pushing, because the joy of discovering (and rediscovering) things that stimulate my creativity in new ways is an immense blessing. So for this year, my goal is to keep myself open minded and experiment with the things I love doing and giving them a chance as well. Writing (and blogging) is on the top of the list for now, but let’s see..

I know I never actually talk about personal matters this way, but I felt like doing it anyways. There’s no reason to hide, and I thank whoever took the time to read into a small piece of my mind. It’s a time of growth for me and I hope to help whoever feels like they need guidance as well. The start of the new year doesn’t actually symbolize anything. Your life doesn’t have to magically change the moment the clock strikes midnight the 1st of January, it starts whenever you decide it does. Be kind to yourselves during this time, January is a tough month, sigh… 

And holidays are finally over, at least for me. Thank God, because if I had to survive another Christmas dinner I’m not sure I’d make it out alive with all that food, phew. I feel incredibly lucky and grateful to say that I’ve peacefully spent this time with my family and I hope it was the same for all of you & that you got to eat yummy foods with your loved ones! I spent most of this week with my friends and we had lots of fun. I wanted to make the most of it before we all go back to studying and working LOL not that I don’t like doing it, but still. Unfortunately I don’t have cool pics to upload this time, so it will be for my next post. Since I have lots of content ideas and I’m in a writing frenzy, I FINALLY made a Medium account, so that I can leave this blog for life updates, personal stuff etc.. and focus on topics I’m actually interested in, on Medium, where other people can easily find me! Hopefully I’ll tell more about it very soon. 

I know this isn’t my usual post, bit I’m still glad I wrote it and I want to remind to all of you to be kind to yourselves and to keep your loved ones close to you during these fragile moments of growth in our lives. You’ve got plenty of opportunities, experiences and love ahead of you. Life can always start over and its never too late to start in the first place, don’t let these pressures get to you and focus on what matters for YOU. Also, I’m always here to help anyone who might need it. 

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read this first post of 2025, in a couple of days this blog will turn 2 years old and I’m so grateful to have cultivated something so special that kept my writing sparkle alive. You are all very dear to me.

 What about your holidays, did you have fun? Have you made any wishes for the new year? I hope it brings you lots of happiness and joy! 

. ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆

mercoledì 11 dicembre 2024

My favorite winter fragrances & life lately

To make up for my absence, second post of this month! Wooo. I love December, since it’s started I’ve been incredibly busy and running errands non-stop, but at the same moment I’ve got lots of free time to spare, which has been rare this year for sure. Since I’ve finally got some time to dedicate to silly stuff, I’ve been making sure to use it to my advantage at 100% and that’s why I’ve decide to make perfume shops my second home (and I’m getting evicted soon if they see me walking in again) so I chose to talk about some fragrances that I LOVED. Even though I wear Hypnotic Poison only, these are my choices for this season. And also, some that I really hated.

Let’s start with Hayaatim by Lattafa. It’s pretty rare in my experience, but since it’s so cheap I’d suggest taking a leap of faith and buying it if you’re a fan of sweet fragrances. It’s fruity, cozy, with a hint of caramel that feels like a warm hug. To me, this is definitely a winter fragrance. 

Next one is Dallachai by Montale. Not cheap like the one above but so good that if you caught a glimpse of it while passing by on the street, you’d come back home wondering what that smell was because it’s just SO good. This falls in the ‘’rare’’ category as well. It’s cozy, warm and spicy. Spices are more prominent in it’s smell, but has a sweet, milky note that fuses beautifully with a delicious coffee aroma and makes it unforgettable. If I met someone wearing this perfume, I’d definitely approach them. Once you smell it, its impossible to not recognize it. Feels like wearing a pumpkin spice latte but better. I’m not one to wear such oriental fragrances, but I’m in love with it.
Now this one might be slightly controversial, but to me, Devotion by Dolce&Gabbana is not something you wear in summer, like the commercial might want you to believe. This just smells like a fruity, lemon flavored pie. Literally. I don’t even know what to write because it’s literally that simple, it’s the type of sweet scent that lingers in your kitchen after baking something: vanilla, lemon and powdered sugar. It’s super cozy and definitely your best choice if you want a warm fragrance that doesn’t have any spices in it.
Last one, the queen. Not for the weak of heart if you can’t stand spice and might be too strong for most that are used to girly, sweet and floral fragrances, but Opium by Yves Saint Laurent is what you’re looking for if you want a perfume to spray once and last a lifetime. Literally. This has been my mother’s perfume since the 90s and the last time she put this on was last week. Her coat still smells like Opium. Opulent, spicy, warm, iconic. The flankers are nothing compared to this, the smell is painfully strong. If you’re willing to try it, take the risk and make sure it’s your skin to see how it reacts to it. Not something I personally wear, but if you manage to pull this off, congratulations. This one definitely makes heads turn everywhere. And of course, it’s off limits in summer unless you’re trying to drown yourself in your own fragrance and suffocate. No other words to describe it besides SPICY. This is just spices mixed together, impossible to put into words. Try it.

Special mention to a fragrance that I thought I’d love and instead HATED: L’Interdit Rouge by Givenchy. I can’t smell any of the ingredients mentioned in its pyramid clearly and on my skin, it takes a bad turn. Smells like things I’d rather not describe on my blog, unfortunately. This flanker is a no for me. Might not be for my skin, might be different on someone else, but I’m not sure I’d give it a chance again, which is a shame because everyone speaks highly of it! It’s always talked about as an “sexy fragrance” which is why I’m sad about the fact that it was so disappointing. Also, did you know that L’Interdit was the perfume that Audrey Hepburn wore? Thankfully not this one, but still. 

And now back to my stupid stuff. Life lately, sigh. I feel so incredibly blessed I could cry. I still have a lots of things to do, but I’m having fun however I can and spending time with my loved ones. I love the exchange of gifts during the holidays, this is definitely the most wholesome time of the year. In my free time I do nothing but read comics and watch Clone Wars LOL. Just kidding, I’m finally using my iPad for digital art and getting used to it more, and I love it. I chose Clip Studio Paint instead of Procreate and I’m taking my time to try and discover each feature on the software. 

Random sketch

While this is for my sister. She always wears something different, but I chose to get her this fragrance because it was the last perfume she bought and she loved it a lot. It’s super floral and sweet. I’m not a fan, but I can’t say the packaging isn’t cute.

And I found my lip shade, I think. I received this plum colored lipstick as a gift and I LOVE it. I only wore red lipstick before this, but I might have to change. I feel like this is going to be my signature color for a hundred years.

I rearranged some things in my room and on my vanity and I’m super happy about it. It’s a bit messy, but still… that Sylvanian Families set is a gift from my father, its sooo cute!! T_T

The pink perfume was the first one I’ve ever gotten, it was my 17th birthday gift from my sister. Smells floral with a hint of bubblegum. Super refreshing. And this is another small space I rearranged on my library. Yayyyy. ^_^

I think this is pretty much it. I’m in a rush, I’ve got my schedule full all week and I still have a thousand things to do! I’m not dome making Christmas gifts yet, so I’m always out running errands! And I still have so much boring stuff to take care of… and study… sigh. -.- But I’m super grateful. And lucky! As always thank your for reading until the end and supporting me, I do this for fun but it becomes even better if I have someone to share & enjoy this small slice of my life with. ^_^ 

What about you? Are you guys busy with Christmas gifts too, or am I the only one spending her days like an overworked elf? Let’s chat!

. ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆

mercoledì 4 dicembre 2024

Flowers in December

I may have disappeared again, but this blog means a lot to me, so I’m committed to update as much as I can. Just a little disclaimer before I start: most pics will be vertical because I took them with me phone and I won’t proofread this so forgive me in advance LOL. Now, life has been HARD. September and october drained me completely. I stopped working at my old job mid-october and took the whole month of november to recharge and be sad, mostly. LOL just kidding, but I dedicated myself to getting better and spending some quality time with my family. Even though existing has been hard and the past month was definitely unkind to me, I cannot say that I’m unhappy with the way things are going now. I feel bad because I didn’t draw that much, but its fine. I had more important stuff to think about. Just wanted to upload a small update on all the months I didn’t write about.

First of all, I got a nose job LOL. Is it relevant? No but I still wanted to say it. It was my september’s highlight. Moving on… I went on a small road trip with my dad and took some pretty pictures.

If I ever disappear, come look for me here. I love this place so much it’s unhealthy, I want to live in the grass, sigh. Anyways… as I said, I spent most of the time with my family so I don’t have much to upload, I still got to hangout with my friends but I didn’t take any pics. Most october days were spent sitting at my desk.

When I wasn’t studying I was working out, and when I wasn’t working out I got sick. -.- I had pneumonia. Yeah. Not a very pleasant experience, it knocked me out pretty bad for a whole week, but this rice noodles soup saved my life. Soup is the most crucial part of life, seriously. It’s my own recipe, it was inspired by pho and I threw in some chicken too just in case and it was super yummy. It was the only thing I was able to eat with a cough like that. Not very fun but I got to learn how to make a new dish, yay.

Anyways, in the meanwhile I changed my nails like three hundred times and these two were my favorites. These are the ones I’m currently wearing.

And these were inspired by Sesshomaru’s claws in Inuyasha LOLthey’re too iconic, I MEAN. LOOK.


Mmh… besides nails, another interesthing thing is that I put a vanity in my room, and the best part is that it was FREE because I found it besides a trash can. It’s crazy I know, but I had to take it. Why would you throw this beauty away? And almost brand new, too. I didn’t even have to repaint it, I just cleaned it really well and took it home. My best investment yet.

And some of my favorite things that I put on it. That tiara is from my 18th birthday party, my sister gave it to me.

I’ve also received some super cool gifts from my parents that I wanna show you. ^_^ I’m sorry about the 16:9 pics but I didn’t really think about making a blog update…  it wasn’t planned sniff sniff. My mom got me my favorite perfume EVER and I think I combusted on the spot when I opened the box. I cannot put into words the love I feel for this fragrance, I swear. The one on the right is it’s matching body lotion.

And this is what my dad got me as a Christmas gift. Saying that I’m happy would be and understatement. I LOOOVE it and I’ve also received a matching keyboard (that I’m using now, btw LOL) now I can FINALLY dedicate some time to learning digital art and give back the old laptop that I borrowed from my parents. Anyways. IT’S PINK. AAAAAAAAAAAAA. This is probably the coolest device I’ve ever owned for art, really. I didn’t feel like getting a new drawing tablet since my PC setup was terrible, this is just perfect, its like a digital sketchbook LOL. I don’t think I’ll buy Procreate since I already use Clip Studio Paint but I’ll see… it feels like a crime to let to of my old iPad Air (it was 11 years old!!) but this sooo amazing I don’t even know what to say. 

I’m not really doing anything interesting in my free time these days besides watching movies and TV series. I recently rewatched the first three Matrix movies and I LOVE THEM. I’ve also watched Sweet November for the first time and it was so incredibly sad I almost regret finding it, but I think it goes into my favorites list. Another comfort movie I rewatched was 13 going on 30 and if you didn’t watch it you definitely should. I got into the Star Wars rabbit hole again andbinge watched the Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseries last night, it was surprisingly good and it was seeing Ewan McGregor take the role again. I love Star Wars a lot. 

The weather is terrible and as always, I’m mostly working and studying, but I went out with my sister to have breakfast together and take a walk. It was super nice, it’s been a while since I last did it. And I saw these beauties. I didn’t get anything because I already own a YSL lipstick and for the money you pay for it, the packaging quality is not worth it. -.- But still, the lipstick itself is super good and if you wanna treat yourself to something nice you should definitely get it. Mine’s a liquid lipstick, I never tried the other ones but another thing that I really recommend is the mascara. 100/10 worth it. I’ll stop it now I promise. YSL is by far my favorite brand ever, I’ll have to come back to get myself a little treat. *cries*

Ok, best for last. LOOK AT THIS. I can FINALLY show you something good that I’ve been working on: keychains!! This is the first one, I ordered it as a sample and I’m in love with it, it’s my baby. Now thanks to the fact that I got a new iPad and can draw digitally I can properly finish Sabo and Luffy as well. I’m not sure on what to do with these or if there will be more of them, but it’s something I’ve always wanted to do and it feels unreal to see one of my silly drawings like this and see how many people have appreciated it so far… I feel super lucky to be surrounded by so many kind, talented and amazing people. *cries again* I put it on display in my acrylic keychains collection. I really like Ace’s color scheme for some reason.

I ran out of things to say, but at least I update my blog instead of letting it die again. I said I’d commit no matter what and I didn’t, even tho this is probably my worst post yet in terms of content… and pictures quality e_e whatever. I’m glad december has finally came. I hate Christmas itself, but it’s one of the best months of the whole year for me, and I get to reunite with my friends and family (and make gifts *evil laugh*) if december was a song, it would be Piano Man by Billy Joel in my opinion. As always, think you for making it this far and reading my posts, I appreciate it a lot. <3

What about you guys? What are you up to lately? Do you like Christmas? Let’s chat!

. ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆

martedì 15 ottobre 2024

Last august dump

 I may have neglected this blog again, but in my defense, my life has felt like a Final Destination movie for the past two months and I got sick. From stress. Moving on. Nothing to say about september so I'm just going to pick up where I left off with my last post. I apologize in advance for the lack of energy but I’m dying lately, sigh.

After our successful flea market trip I went on vacation with my friends for a couple of days. We really didn't do anything ''interesting'' but it was fun. We ate junk everyday, drank like full time alcoholics and did lots of stupid things. I had to bring back to life my beach house after not using it for 10 years and it was HELL because the guys I rented it to last year stole everything. TMI but bear with me because it's funny LOL.

Besides doing silly crafts and listening to SHINee on repeat there's nothing else. Honestly talking about it doesn't have the same effect but I can promise they were probably the funniest days of this whoole year so far. I need to do it againn soon or I'll pass out.

I hated going to the beach because I can't stand the sun and get nightmares about tanning and sunburns so I lingered in every public space with a huge towel on my head and carried spf EVERYWHERE. But that was part of the fun, I promise. These snacks were panda shaped and they were sooo cute T_T

normal afternoon activity after passung out several times during the day because it was too hot to live

Of course I had to make them watch Bleach LOL. My iPad was begging me to let it die after 10 years but I just put it in the fridge to let it cool down and then start using it again. I still have it, btw. And that's what I mainly use for digital art. I've been using for so long that getting a new device feels like a crime at this point. Moving on..

messy workshop

I can't remember what the hell we were doing here but it was probably late at night. I think we were watching some Dir en Grey videos or something. 

Those tarots beat my ass. I'm never asking them ANYTHING ever again. From now on it's mostly pics we took with Ari's digital camera. Sigh.

Sunsets were so pretty. It was the only time of the day where you could walk out of the house without being obliterated by UV rays.

This church was my favorite place we saw </3 pretty. Also the weird arcade behind the bar on the beach. 

Can't share TMI but this was pretty much it. I had lots of fun, and I got to rest. On our last night Ari read tarots to strangers at the bar and we went to the mini market to buy a couple of groceries that I never even use because I was too lazy to cook. We stayed up almost all night and the next morning was probably the weirdest of them all because we had to pack up our stuff but we literally mixed alcohol in our fruit juice and had a mango I forgot for one week under the window for breakfast. As soon as I got back home I passed out and went immediately to work, I don't even k6now how I did it but what I know is that I dissociated for the rest of august, even though we still went out almost everyday. Besides working and dying, I also learned to do my nails. 

Forgive the vertical pics but I took these with my phone, these are all the nails I did in august. Please let me know which ones are your favorites because I'm curious.

I stopped using GelX because they kept popping off everytime and I switched to builder gel and nail forms. The retention is insane and I get to change my nails every two weeks with no effort. ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )

That's pretty much it because as I said, I spent most of my time working, as usual. September too. I started having a bit of free time last week, basically. But I don’t know how much it will last because I need to study my ass off again very soon. And to be completely honest, I’m not doing anything interesting these days. I was sick for most of the time. e_e I’ll try to use this to my advantage and post as much as I can before I disappear again. 

What about you guys? What are you up to lately, and how was your summer?

. ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆

domenica 11 agosto 2024

Flea market trip

Hii! I’m finally able to post again. I’ve been pretty busy recently but in a good way, since I’ve been spending lots of time with my friends ^_^ my next post will be all about it and this is just the start, but ofc I’m organizing all the content and pictures because there are LOTS of them. 

Last week we went to the flea market. It wasn’t the first time for me, but when I went by myself last year I found nothing T_T but this time I met up with my friends super early to not miss the good stuff. As soon as we arrived we took a look around but most stands weren’t that interesting, but thankfully we stopped at just the right one.. ehehe. 


This is what I found as soon as we got there. Finding frilly stuff at the flea market for 3€ each is a huge win. I managed to style these into “lolitable” outfits but I want to sew a matching top, socks and headdress for the black skirt. I already have a simple top to pair it with but as I said, it’s super plain. I’d prefer something more frilly honestly.. I’ll see what I can do. I own two blouses as well but it’s too hot to wear them. As for the socks and headdress, I think black OTKs and a rectangle headdress will do just fine. And of course my Vivienne Westwood lighter necklace because I’ll never miss the opportunity to wear it. Off topic, but it was a gift from my mom when I was 15 and it’s one of the most precious items that I own. Moving on..

This was the situation. It was hot and super crowded but I have to admit that I didn’t mind as much as I thought I would. I wanted to get as much clothes as I could find. Unfortunately I don’t have any pics of the other two things that I bought, but I got a white dress with the cutest strawberry pattern on it and a pastel pink bag. It’s not huge but it’s quite spacious, as long as I can fit my iPad in it, it’s useful LOL.

And it’s pastel. So I had to get it.

Unfortunately I didn’t like the dress when I put it on at home but it was only 1€ so I’m keeping it in case I change my mind. Or using it as scrap fabric.

Then we found this skirt, it was probably from Shein or some other fast fashion site but it had potential for 1€. I didn’t like the color though.

My friend Ari wanted to buy some lace so we found this stand. I didn’t get anything here, maybe next time. :3 There were lots of useful tools for sewing.

This stand had some various beauty products scattered around but ofc I didn’t get anything @_@ I always try to be careful with makeup even though tempted because some stuff was super cute... there was a cat-shaped highlighter but I couldn’t give in. Also some cool fake lashes but again, I didn’t get them because they looked too natural. LOL. I prefer spiky ones.

My friends Giuls and Ked also got some clothes but I didn’t get the chance to take pics, sigh. Ked got a claw clip from this stand that was next to the makeup one. It had lots of hair clips and hair accessories but they all looked a bit off? I don’t know how to explain it. But I bought some other stuff other than clothes, like this super cool body wash that smells AMAZING. I don’t know why it’s so expensive on some website but it was 3€ so of course I had to get it. It smells like banana flavored candies! I regret not getting another one, sigh. Next time.

At this stand I also found this super cute eyeshadow palette!! I was soo tempted... but I had to restrain myself. As I said, I like to be careful with makeup. Especially if it goes near my eyes, sigh. </3 but I should’ve bought it for the packaging alone honestly. 

Then on a stand that sold lots of random trinkets I found a small plastic bag full of Hello Kitty rings!! This was 1€ as well. I love them sooo much. 

Then we found this... thing. Amazing.

And this was pretty much everything I’ve got there. It was fun and I can’t wait to go again next month!! Ehehehe..

After leaving we all got “granitas” together. I usually get the strawberry flavor, but I swapped it for the lemon flavored one because it’s more refreshing. The sun was killing me. T_T

Me and Ari went around town for a bit before having lunch together. She needed to buy a pair of flip flops and we found the CUTEST pair form Tezenis. They had a strawberry pattern on them. Thank God for whoever’s making strawberry patterns go in style this year because I’m finding lots of cute stuff. We didn’t take a picture because we forgot. 

We left Tezenis our usual trip to the shop down the street near my house. It sells all kinds of goods and I’ve been going there everyday for the past 6 years. I didn’t buy anything that day but I went this morning and bought some baby blue nail polish. LOL. The essentials, basically. 

We also found these amazing trinkets passing by a shop window. I need these. 

Another cool shop window that we saw.

We had pizza for lunch and then we walked around town some more while waiting for the bus. We found a small corner shop that sold ethnic foods but we didn’t get anything interesting because we couldn’t be late for the bus but we’ll definitely go again. I got her this drink though.

I love these drinks. I didn’t try this flavor yet but the mango one is AMAZING. 

Small outfit check picture before going home ^_^ I love this Creamy shirt that I bought btw. I’ve been wearing it so much LOL. I’m a certified outfit repeater. 

And this was pretty much it for this post. Expect new content very soon because I still have lots of stuff to talk about.. and pictures to upload. Lots, lots of pictures. As always, thank you for sticking with me until the end of this post and for following my blog. What about you? What are you guys up to lately? Let’s chat~

. ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆


Hi, I’m back. I turned 19 two weeks ago and started tattooing again. I’m serious about it this time though. But back onto the topic.. Do you...