domenica 21 gennaio 2024

Did I actually quit Lolita? Random talk + dream dresses list

Spoiler: I might have. For a little while LOL. 

Happy late new year and happy birthday to this blog, January 11th marking 1 year since the start of this journey. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my silly posts and has helped and supported me along the way, may the Lolita gods bless you. 

Ah yes, my usual comeback after going missing from this blog. Apologies, but sometimes life does get in the way. I promised I'd start posting again, and I almost did, but my attention has been caught by several annoyances in the past months. As some of you know, my relationship with Lolita fashion in the past year has been rough to say the least. I stopped wearing it in public (in my hometown only LOL I'm sure most can get what I'm saying) two years ago now, and not beeing able to express myself how I wanted hurt me, but that's not the point. I began despising the way I looked in it and thought it was time to say bye, despite my love for the fashion still going strong after 10 years of me lingering in this community like a victorian ghost haunting a mansion. I was smart enough to keep at least some basic pieces, thankfully. But I actually regret it, so yeah. Don't impulsively sell the wardrobe you worked your ass off for. Plus, after all of this and other nerve wracking events that occured one after the other without mercy, I didn't really have any energy left for fashion. But I actually feel hopeful towards this year so it's time I invest more time in myself again!

So what are my Lolita (and non-Lolita) goals for this year? The first one would probably be to try out as many styles as I can to see in which one I see myself better. Sweet Lolita doesn't really seem like an option anymore but let's see if I manage to style it in a way that flatters me. Old School Sweet can be a ''solution'' but I have to be careful while coording colors because I dyed my hair neon pink (LOL) and hate wigs, so my outfits looking messy is OUT. (A stupid concern considering that I've changed hair color about a million times already but I'd rather be safe). I'm leaning more towards Old School in general and I'd love to be able to properly explore this style, and I really wanna get into handmade more if I get the chance, understanding patterns and FINALLY learn how to use a sewing machine properly without someone's help! Also silly ones, but buying directly from favorite brand would be a dream come true, then I guess I'd be happy to learn how to take my own pics and stop being a faceless entity LOL. And since I'm getting brave let's see if I can FINALLY get one of these. </3 *cries* Oh and visit Angelic Pretty Paris and participate in a meet up. Who's coming with me?

behold, the mighty Kumakumya.

As for my non-Lolita goals, mmh. Probably getting more tattoos and piercings LOL, hang out with my friends as much as I can and make good memories, keep journaling, draw as much as I can, imrpove my cooking skills and RELAX. Like, turn off my brain for at least 1 one minute everyday and find more trinkets to add to my collection! There are a lot more of course, but let's see what happens. Oh and self care, real self care. The one where you actually work on yourself and not just do your skincare, but I'm willing to accept both.

Now, moving back onto the good stuff. Here's a list fo my dream dresses, putting it here hoping it can actually inspire me to move towards my Lolita goals for this year and find that spark again!


Memorial Cake OP by Angelic Pretty

Ohh this dress would SAVE me under any circumstances I swear. I've had my eye on this for TEN.YEARS. TEN YEARS! AND STILL NO DRESS. It's tragic, really. I've found several listings for this dress over time but most were too expensive for me at the time. I found it again on Vinted two years ago paired with it's bonnet for a fair price, but when I asked the seller if they could keep it on hold for a couple of days they said no and it got snatched. Thanks. We'll meet again though, I'm not letting it slide this time. Onto the next one.

Cosmic OP by Angelic Pretty

If you know me you probably have seen this dress at LEAST 10 times. And I'm sorry, ok? Now I'd say this dress is an unskippable part of my lore. I had found two listings on Closet Child but was too scared of placing an order because I had never used shopping services before and of course I had to say bye to this one too since it got snatched, but I'll come back. That'a a threath, not a promise. Anyways.

Strawberry Loves Chocolate by Baby The Stars Shine Bright

I love all chocolate prints, but strawberries too? I'm not getting out of this alive. It would probably take me a while to figure out the best way to coord this piece but having it would be more than enough to start. If I manage to find it on western secondhand markets it's over for everyone. Sigh.

Heart Apron by Baby The Stars Shine Bright

Do I really have to say anything at all? This is like the Old School Sweet dream. And iconic in every way to say the least. If you're not pairing it with rocking horse shoes what are you even doing? This image below says everything I need to say. Just look.

That's self-explanatory. It's a piece I'm not going to miss again and one that I hope to buy directly from the brand as soon as I can. I'll keep this picture as my lucky charm for the year LOL.

Gobelin Print Shirring Tiered JSK by Metamorphose Temps de Fille

Yeah. Just look at her majesty. I've never been a huge fan of gobelin prints but for this one I'd steal. If you own this dress you better sleep with one eye open. It's so effortlessly beauitiful. 

Babydoll JSK by Baby The Stars Shine Bright

And finishing this whole post with easily one of the most iconic dresses and my favorite one along with Memorial Cake. And yes I'm obsessed with Baby The Stars Shine Bright, I just love everything they do sigh. I'm gonna have to hold back for my own sake.

As always, thank you for keeping up with my silly shenaningans. Hopefully I'll actually start posting again and get back the strenght to be a lifestyle Lolita again. Life is so dull without it, I feel like a piece of me has been missing. I'll really do my best. You can keep up with me on my other socials, where I'll probably be more active (I mostly post art and nothing else but who knows. I like to use this blog for fun stuff anyways). See you in the next one.


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