mercoledì 17 aprile 2024


Hi, I'm back. No long introductions today. Reita, from The Gazette passed away on April 15th and I still have no words. When I was younger I would've never thought it would actually happen so soon to one of my favorites. I started listening to them wehn I was a kid, basically. I'm not sure I can get over it. I just have so many memories tied to this band, it will never be the same again... I really wanted to write something about it. Rest in peace. 

I really wanted to update the blog anyways, even though I've been painfully busy lately and so many things have my attention that I really don't kow what to think about first. This being one of the things, too... I've been gettiing less sleep than usual sigh. Besides my exams coming in next month and all of the hardcore studying sessions that are bothering me, I was also busy with work. What a drag. I'm not drawing as much as I would like to and the only things I drew are a couple of commission... one  has already been completed, but I still have to finish the other one and start drawing my next tattoo, too. LOL. Thankfully by the end of this week I'll finally get rid of some stuff and be a bit more free. So many things to do ahhh!! I gotta start preparing a drawing for another contest while I wait for the results of one I'm already participating in, get some new supplies, DIY some stuff for a project, refresh my room's setup and of course study. I'm getting sick of it LOL it's getting sooo boring. Plus, next month is one of my faves and I REALLY want to enjoy it, but I've got art classes  at the start of it everydayfor 10 days, 7PM to 10PM. ç_ç Whew. I'm really considering the idea of cutting down most of the things I've been studying non-stop and get at least one whole day to do the minor tasks before getting rid of everything else. I like being busy, it's fun, but some stuff is just. Ugh. I'll manage.

But still, in the past weekend I've been able to have a couple of days to myself and spend some time with friends. I really needed it and I hope to do it again soon. :( here are some pics, as usual.
I went to the park with a friend and it was super nice. I love sunny afternoons like these because they're super relaxing. 

And of course we had to go to my favorite spot to chill. I'm so glad I got to shut my mind for a while LOL plus the air was so nice and calming... I'd move my whole desk here if I could. The scenery really makes me think of an Hozier song. I love him so much LOL.

Being able to spend some time outside like this is one of the biggest blessings, really. We really gotta reminds ourselves to slow down sometimes. After this we ran a couple of errands and I bought two new perfumes that I LOVE. I love sweet/fruity scents so they were an absolute bargain for 5 euros.We had dinner in a place I've never been before and it was super nice. I ate too much as usual but it was so worth it. The day after I met up with another friend and I went at their house to hang out for a while and we had so MUCH fun. I can't recal the last time I laughed like that. We did so much silly stuff and read lots of old. crappy fanfictions on Wattpad and even wrote one ourselves. I could've died writing that shit, really.

Then we took a break from our writing and went to grab some pizza for dinner. It was so relaxing, honestly. And needed. I love my friends company so much, I always feel like a little ball of glowing sunlight when I leave them and even if I've been home for hours already I can't stop thinking about it because I get the zoomies LOL. Friends are so important. (I love you guys <3).

And this is pretty much it. I'm actually writing this in the middle of the night, but you'll read it in the morning. I'm soo tired, today was draining. I just gotta hold on for another couple of days sigh. I can't wait to start drawing for me again, at least do another piece to hang up in my room. I know, still nothing interesting but I wanted to update anyways instead of letting this task pile up with the other ones as well LOL. I promised myself I'd be consistent and I will. What about you? What are you guys up to lately? I hope you're able to enjoy some free time and nice weather. I'll see you in the next post!

. ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆

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Hi, I’m back. I turned 19 two weeks ago and started tattooing again. I’m serious about it this time though. But back onto the topic.. Do you...