domenica 5 maggio 2024

Random update

 This is gonna be really short but I don't want to disappear for too long LOL I promised I'd stay consistent and I will, so here we are. Do I have anything interesting to talk about? No, not yet at least. Same old stuff. I've been working as usual and STUDYING, but thankfully not for long. My exams start on the 15th and end on the 22nd. Whew, I can't wait to be free and pick up my hobbies again. I'll go to a con this month and it's been years since I've last cosplayed something, but I wanna give it a try again. I hope to find the time to start crafting what I need ASAP instead of ending up the day before in a rush LOL. I'm currently drowning in deadlines but at least I got some free time today. ^_^ I love May, it's my favorite month and it's that time of the year where I actually start to feel better (I hate winter and if I don't see the sun for too long I die like a houseplant) and think about summer. I'm not a fan of going to the beach, but it's kinda fun sometimes. I hope to update with some cool stuff soon, and hopefully show you some even cooler things I'm doing eheh. I don't have any pics to upload because I only went out a couple of times in the past two weeks and didn't take any cool pictures ç_ç but yeah. When I'm free I want to make a post to talk about a book about Lolita fashion that I've recently bought. It should arrive tomorrow morning and I can't wait! Wearing Lolita again was one of my goals for the year but I've had so much on my mind that I didn't even bother searching for clothes. sigh. Let's not forget that I sold my whole wardrobe last year. I don't know which kind of demon possessed me during that week but it happened. And that's pretty much it, time to get back to work now! What about you, ehat are you guys up to lately?

. ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆

2 commenti:

  1. I love your dedication to staying consistent! 🌟 Good luck with your exams – you’re almost there! The thought of diving back into cosplaying sounds exciting; I can't wait to see what you create. Crafting your cosplay in advance is such a smart move, avoiding the last-minute rush. And May is truly a wonderful month – the sunshine and the beginning of summer are so uplifting. 🌞

    I’m eagerly awaiting your review of the Lolita fashion book! It’s great to hear you’re reconnecting with Lolita fashion, even after selling your wardrobe last year (we all have those moments!). Your updates are always a joy to read, so keep them coming. Enjoy the rest of your free time today and best of luck with everything! 😊

    1. Ahh I just saw this now! Thank you for your kind words and for reading my blog! It means a lot <3 Yes, I should really take some time to write and post a proper review because I LOVED it!! I'm still trying to get back into Lolita though... sigh. I almost forgot how to shop LOL. It's hard to navigate the secondhand markets now that I don't know which style to go for... ^^''



Hi, I’m back. I turned 19 two weeks ago and started tattooing again. I’m serious about it this time though. But back onto the topic.. Do you...